How to install bluestacks on windows
How to install bluestacks on windows

how to install bluestacks on windows

Double click on the file and this will launch the installation process. exe file in your Downloads folder, or in whichever folder you saved the file. Once you have downloaded Bluestacks from look for the Bluestacks installer. Now, you can easily download any application from the play store and use it on your Windows computer.How do I install Bluestacks latest version? That’s all! With this, you’ve successfully installed the BlueStacks 5 on your Windows PC. Step 5: Agree with the terms & conditions of the Google play store as shown in the below animation.

how to install bluestacks on windows

  • Step 4: Enter your user id and password, and then click on the Next button.
  • On opening the BlueStacks, you will see a Google play store icon.
  • Step 3: After completing the installation process, you will need to sign in with your Google play store account.
  • However, you will be prompted to confirm the parameters of the installation and will be able to change the install directory. By default, our app player installs to your C drive.
  • Step 2: As soon as the download completes, double click on the installation file and start the installation process.
  • At the time of writing this article, BlueStacks 5 is the latest version, so I will be downloading the BlueStacks 5.
  • Step 1: Click here, and Download the latest version of BlueStacks.
  • Internet: Broadband connection to access games & accounts.įollow the Steps given below to Download and Install BlueStacks on Windows :.
  • HDD: SSD or Hybrid Drives of at-least 500 GB.
  • Graphics: Intel/Nvidia/ATI, Onboard or Discrete controller with PassMark score >= 700.
  • Processor: Intel or AMD Multi-Core Processor with Single Thread PassMark score > 900.
  • Operating System : Microsoft Windows 10.
  • Recommended System Requirements For Smoother Experience :
  • Minimum HDD Space : 5GB Free Disk Space.
  • how to install bluestacks on windows

    Minimum Ram : 2GB ( 8 GB or higher is recommended).Operating System : Windows 7 and above.First Make sure that your PC or Desktop fulfills the minimum system requirements for BlueStacks 5. But, before starting the installation process. This article will guide, how you can install BlueStacks 5 on your Windows operating system in 5 easy steps. 40% faster set up than previous versions.Consumes less CPU while having long sessions.It uses 40 % less RAM than other platforms, which will provide you a smooth gaming experience with not being too hard on your PC.Why? Read the points given below, and you’ll never ask this question again :

    how to install bluestacks on windows

    BlueStacks 5 is not less than a beast in the world of Android gaming platforms for PC.

    How to install bluestacks on windows